Garbage & Recycling Pick-Ups

In Town Garbage and Recycling Services


Household recycling pickup is available for those in town and takes place every Wednesdayor the next business day should Wednesday be a Stat holiday.  Please ensure recycling is placed out before 8:00 am at the end of the driveway in a visible location to assist Public Works with an efficient pickup.  Recycling can be placed in a clear or blue bag or in a blue box recycling bin.  We encourage all residents to recycle as much as possible and offer 24/7 availability at the recycling depot for any extra recycling you may have.


Household garbage pickup is available for those in town and takes place every Monday, or the next business day should Monday happen to be a Stat holiday.  Please ensure garbage is placed out before 8:00 am at the end of the driveway in a visible location to assist Public Works in an efficient pickup.  Garbage can be placed in a properly closed green garbage bag, or a watertight metal or plastic garbage can.  Homeowners are responsible to keep their garbage stored in a secure enclosure, or state, ensuring it is protected from weather, rodents, birds, wildlife, and pets.  Any mess made by birds or animals is not the responsibility of Public Works and should be cleaned up as soon as possible by the owner of the garbage.  Each household shall have a two-bag limit for the weekly garbage pick-up.  Public Works will not pick-up garbage in excess of the two-bag limit, or garbage (can/bag and contents) that exceeds 50 pounds in weight.

Rossman Lake/Sunset Point Garbage and Recycling Services

Garbage and Recycling

Both garbage and recycling pickup are available at Rossman Lake and Sunset Point, and pickup occurs every Monday afternoon, or the next business day should Monday be a Stat holiday. Please place your garbage/recycling into the Municipally provided bins for pickup.

The above services are paid for by each household on the property tax bill through a Special Service Levy.


 Want to know what can go in your recycling bin? Click Here for a helpful guide!